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Blog - Who should announce the first dance?

Posted: Sunday 11th September 2016 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 5123

As a DJ, I'm used to making announcements, including the bride and groom's first dance. But it doesn't necessarily have to be me making all the introductions.

Tips on announcing the first dance

And I don't mind making announcements, I am confident on the microphone and more than used to doing this.

However, I ask each bride and groom to consider if there is someone else that they would like to announce their first dance.

Obviously I don't take any offence if they choose someone else; I always suggest it might be a nice touch for a family member or friend to deliver a more personalised introduction to such an important part of any wedding.

Now this doesn't have to be another best man's speech and I'm sure most guests would prefer it to be short and sweat at this stage of the evening.

The main thing is to make sure that everyone, including the bride & groom, is ready for the first dance. Once I've got the thumbs up from the bride & groom, I invite them onto the dancefloor and their guests to form a circle around. Then it's simply a case of inviting a round of applause and start the first dance.

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