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Blog - Solton Manor a stunning wedding venue near Dover in Kent

Posted: Thursday 11th July 2013 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 7454

Last weekend I had the pleasure of working at Solton Manor, an excellent wedding venue set in the outskirts of Dover.

Ok, it's actually just outside the village of East Langdon. I've lived in Dover many years and must have cycled past the venue many times but never knew it existed. It is truely what you'd call a hidden gem!

The venue itself is brilliant and lends itself very well to functions with a built in stage and bar that are hidden away when not required by a clever curtain system.

One of the things I noticed when I first walked in was the mirror ball. In fact, it's quite difficult to miss it as it's massive. Yet at the same time it blends in and I'm sure most people don't notice it, must be my geeky side shining through (sorry about the pun).

Last weekend was a wedding reception and we certainly had the weather for it. As the guests were arriving games had been laid on outside for the children (and the 40 year old children).

The room is very large but doesn't feel empty due to the clever layout. During the evening the dancefloor was opened up and extra tables provided.

The tracklisting has been uploaded and can be viewed here.

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