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Blog - [Archived] Little Silver in 2015

Posted: Friday 9th October 2015 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 6278

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It's been another busy year with weddings at the Little Silver. Although I've written a blog before, here's an update on this superb wedding venue in Tenterden.

Little Silver Country Hotel Wedding DJ

The layout has been cleverly designed so that it provides a perfect environment for a wedding (and other events). The ceremony can be held in the beautiful garden with a backup option of inside. The Kent Hall provides a good sized room for the wedding breakfast and then magically converts into the perfect room for the evening reception.

The dancefloor, cleverly hidden under a carpet in the centre of the room, is revealed while the guests are outside having their coffee and the room turned around ready for the evening reception.

Although there is a sound limiter in the hall, it is set to a reasonable level that allows everyone to enjoy the music without it disturbing the neighbours. (In case you're wondering what a sound limiter is, have a read of my sound limiters blog).

So, if you're looking for a wedding venue that offers the tranquillity and functionality, it's well worth a visit.

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