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Blog - Birthday party at Great Chart Village Hall

Posted: Thursday 14th July 2016 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 3 mins Views: 6913

On Saturday afternoon I was at Great Chart Village Hall for a 5th birthday party and what a change in music it was.

Great Chart Village Hall Party DJ

The hall is located opposite St Mary's Church in the village, which is on the outskirts of Ashford, Kent.

I was setup in front of the stage to make it easier for people to speak to me and to help me get out when helping with the games and prevented the children from falling from the stairs.

Although I mainly DJ at weddings it's nice for a change to have a change of scenery. And a room full of excited children certainly requires a different selection of music.

As well as the usual mix of the current chart music there's also an element of loud upbeat music including the classic S Club 7 - Reach.

Here is the full track listing (and yes, Frozen featured):

It was nice for a change to be finished and home by 6pm to enjoy some family time at home.

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