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Blog - My Top 10 Reggae Floor Fillers

Posted: Monday 2nd May 2016 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 8208

Continuing with my top 10 floor fillers blogs, I thought I go through the list of raggae songs that I dig out when requested.

My top 10 reggae tracks perfect for a wedding or party

In no particular order, here are my top 10 to play at my events:

  1. UB40 - Red Red Wine
  2. Bob Marley - One Love
  3. Marvin Gaye - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
  4. The Temptations - My Girl
  5. Commitments - Mustang Sally
  6. Fontella Bass - Rescue Me
  7. Diana Ross & The Supremes - Baby Love
  8. The Four Tops - Loco In Acapulco
  9. Martha Reeves - Jimmy Mack
  10. Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry

Not seen your favourite track, what would you add?

For my next top 10 floor fillers blog I'll list my top 10 slow dances.

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