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Blog - Marquee events: my tips to help your event run smoothly

Posted: Wednesday 16th September 2015 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 5573

After working in a couple of marquees this summer I thought I'd offer some tips from my viewpoint if you're considering using a marquee.

Tips for events in a marquee

Tips for events in a marquee Marquees can be a very good idea for weddings and parties. And I say that as someone who used a marquee for my own wedding. There are plenty of options to consider when choosing a marquee, beyond the first and obvious choice of the size required. As well as providing enough space for all the tables you'll need space for the dancefloor and DJ/band. Sometimes the top table will be placed on the dancefloor, so time will be required to dismantle this before the first dance can take place. Interior decoration can make a huge difference, from the lighting to side panels. Uplighting is very popular and can offer the option of adding colour to the marquee. I would advise considering a star roof over the dancefloor. Yes it'll add to the budget, but the effect it adds really makes it worthwhile during the evening. Electricity is a crucial requirement for anyone working inside the marquee, and it's not just us DJs that need it; the caterers, bar and any other entertainment will no doubt require it. It's always worth checking what the power requirements are in advance to make sure a big enough supply is provided and the correct number and type of power sockets. You may also need to think about noise. Inside a building you, usually, get nice shielding from the brick walls to avoid unnecessarily disturbing the neighbours. With a marquee you don't get this so you'll need to consider how the noise will effect neighbours, which may mean reducing the volume of the DJ/band or finishing earlier than you previously anticipated.

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