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Blog - [Archived] Ashford Town Cricket Club

Posted: Saturday 13th October 2012 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 5452

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Last month I was able to provide a PA system for the Ashford Town Cricket Club's Funday Sunday on behalf of the Ashford Hospital Broadcasting Service.

Ashford Town Cricket Club Party DJ

Using my equipment, I was able to provide music and the facility for microphones to allow announcements to be made. A separate output was provided so that AHBS could transmit the output back at their studio.

I used two speaker systems in separate locations to provide the sound to two areas to maximise the output across the event.

Using the station's music playout software I was able to integrate their jingles into the music to provide branding effectively during the event.

Pictures will be added to my Facebook pages soon.

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