PLI for Mobile DJs
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Blog - PLI for Mobile DJs

Posted: Monday 25th April 2011 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 8053

It's that time of year that I have to sit down and renew my PLI. But what is PLI and why is it important?

PLI for DJs

PLI stands for Public Liability Insurance and provides cover against any accidents...etc. Like car insurance it's important to have in case something goes wrong. However, unlike car insurance, it's not a legal requirement to have.

Because PLI isn't a legal requirement there are some DJs who don't have PLI. Whilst there's nothing wrong with not having PLI, it makes sense to have protection.

Some venues require a DJ to have PLI, so if you book a venue that requires PLI make sure that your DJ doesn't let you down!

Where To Buy PLI?

If you're a DJ looking for PLI there are various places you can buy PLI to make sure that you're covered. There are several associations that will give you PLI when you join (SEDA, NADJ, ampDJ...etc) or you can buy direct from an insurance company such as Music Guard (JLT).

Your Comments

Posted By: Paul Smith Date: 28/05/2011 00:12
We speak to mobile DJs on a daily basis and it seems that at least some are being quoted over £150 for annual PLI ... then they find us!!

Mobile DJs are not a big risk it seems!! More info at

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