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Blog - Wedding Venue Spotlight Willesborough Windmill in Ashford

Posted: Wednesday 22nd March 2023 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 1444

If you're looking for an intimate wedding venue in Ashford that has plenty of character, then the Willesborough Windmill should be on your list of venues.

Wedding DJ at Willesborough Windmill wedding venue in Ashford

This beautiful windmill provides a stunning backdrop for your wedding with the ceremony taking place inside the windmill on the ground floor.

After the ceremony, the balcony area on the first floor is the perfect location for pictures of the newly weds from the patio area, capturing the sails in the background.

The museum area, which is just across the courtyard area, will seat around 40 guests for a meal. The counter is a perfect double up as a bar inside the museum and toilets are just across the patio. I tucked my DJ stand in the little alcove and ran my speakers either side of the barn.

With a couple of tables tidied away, there was the perfect space created for the dancefloor during the evening.

When I was here in August 2022, the wedding breakfast was a BBQ that was served from tables out on the patio which worked well and the weather was perfect for this.

There's plenty of parking too and the windmill is conveniently located near the M20 and A2070.

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