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Blog - Guest Request Online

Posted: Tuesday 15th February 2011 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 7839

I've launched my new facility 'Guest Request' to allow your guests to request music before the event itself.

We've all done it, wanted to request some tracks but put on the spotlight you can't remember a single track. Or you get to the end of the night and suddenly remember a list of songs, by which time it's too late.

Now you've got the option of adding songs to a request list that will be submitted in advance. It's all part of my new online planning facility that's being added to my site that can help you plan your event.

All your guests will need to do is login to Guest Request using the password you've chosen for the event and add their requests. If you're not happy with any of the requests then let me know and I'll take them off the list.

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