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Blog - Best wedding cake ideas

Posted: Wednesday 25th August 2021 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 2908

The wedding cake is often a centrepiece at any wedding and they come in all shapes and sizes. And taste amazing too!

Top tips for wedding cake ideas

I'd always recommend speaking to your cake maker to get their advice to make sure you get what you want. They are the experts and can really help you get the wedding cake of your dreams.

Cakes come in all shapes and sizes. And increasingly in a wide variety of flavours too.

A good idea is to think about the overall concept that you want rather than fuss over the minor details, let the cake maker do that. I've seen many cakes that add a personalisation that look brilliant, such as when they incorporate a theme.

One cake included Lego on and around the cake, which matched the Lego theme on the tables too. Another cake I saw was very clever as from the front it looked like a traditional and elegant white cake. However, looking round the back and the cake had a peeling effect that revealed a Batman logo - very clever at reflecting the personalities of the couple yet retained the traditional feel.

I've sampled various cakes from Sharon Ward at the Little Silver Country Hotel's wedding fayres and can highly recommend you get in touch with her. She does a range of great flavours and has the experience and knowledge of making the perfect cake to help you. Find out more about wedding cakes by Sharon Lord.

And if you're wondering what is the best time to cut the wedding cake, find out my top tip on when to cut the wedding cake.

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