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Blog - Top tips for a wedding

Posted: Thursday 29th July 2021 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 2 mins Views: 3281

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life. Here are some top tips as a guide to a wedding reception based on my experience as a wedding DJ.

Top tips for a wedding reception

Over the years I have been to many weddings and no two are the same. There is so much to choose from and many decisions to be made.

My top wedding tip is that you should consider what your priority is for your wedding day. For example, you might decide that your priority is for you wedding to be elegant and formal or the best party ever. Once you know what your priority is you can then ask yourself whenever you have a choice to make, how it will help you achieve what you want.

For example, if you decide that your priority is "for everyone to have the best day" then every time you need to make a decision go back and ask yourself how the result will help you achieve your priority. This applies to the big decisions (such as choosing a wedding venue) through to the smaller details (such as the table decorations).

When choosing your guest list, think about how everyone will get on with each other and the atmosphere that will create. And then think whether that helps you achieve your priority or not. If you want a party atmosphere then you'll need to invite guests that will help create a party atmosphere rather than hoover it up.

When it comes to choosing music, think about the audience rather than just selecting your favourite music. What you love listening to at home is not necessarily what will be successful on the dance floor. And prioritise the music that you really want; I often suggest limiting the must play section to just ten tracks to really make you think about whether you really want to hear that song or not during your wedding.

At each step of your wedding planning, my top wedding tip is think back to what your overall priority is and it should help make decisions easier.

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