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Blog - [Archived] New lights

Posted: Wednesday 26th May 2021 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 3941

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As we start to prepare for the final easing of COVID restrictions, I’ve been working behind the scenes to introduce new lights to my setup.

I have invested in some new moving lights that will enhance the lighting show at any event. I already had moving lights but I decided to upgrade to modern, LED lighting that will last longer and provide a better light display.

Straight out of the box these lights look nicer and have better built-in programmes that react more accurately to music, rather than just the volume of music as some older lights do.

Not only have I purchased new lights, I've also been working to create new light shows that add even atmosphere by providing unique displays for each song. With the new software installed, I'm able to programme each song in advance to have bespoke effects throughout the song, meaning that during an event I can focus on the music.

So far I'm super impressed with the new ADJ Pocket Pro Pearls lights and SoundSwitch software. And I'm really looking forward to getting out to use them at future events.

#ADJ #SoundSwitch #DJlighting #DJlights #weddingDJ #partyDJ #apeventsDJ

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