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Blog - Best time for last dance

Posted: Wednesday 17th June 2020 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 4179

The first dance is the song that starts the evening, but equally important can be the last dance as this will be the last song most people hear at your wedding.

Best time for last dance

The obvious time for the last dance is right at the end of the night, which is the logical answer but it's worth considering a couple of points; how do you want the evening to finish and how many people will be staying until the very end?

Although this might sound obvious that it’s the last dance, you might want to bring this forward earlier. Often I play the formal last dance (a slow song) and then have a more upbeat song to finish the night. So if you go for a ballad you might like to have something like 'Frank Sinatra - New York New York' to follow and end the night.

If you have a large number of guests leaving early you may wish to have a last dance earlier in the evening so everyone can be there and then have an “after party” for the hardcore party goers. This can work quite well but needs to be planned in advance.

If you're looking for suggestions on what songs to play for the last dance, check out my tips for wedding last dance song.

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