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Blog - Do you have to feed the DJ at your wedding?

Posted: Wednesday 10th July 2019 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 4116

You've planned your big wedding day and invited all your guests to let the caterer know how many people to feed. But do you need to feed the DJ at your wedding?

Top wedding tips

It's an interesting question and there doesn't seem to be a golden rule on whether you should feed your wedding DJ.

Some wedding DJs will stipulate that food must be provided so it's worth double checking the contract.

Personally, I don't expect to be fed - how many people are given food in their jobs? Sometimes it can be a nice gesture, particularly if it's a long day. But even then I'm able to bring a packed lunch so it's not an issue.

I have at some weddings been invited to eat with the guests, which can be nice to sit down and chat with them. I also find this a good opportunity to tease some requests out of your guests to ensure the music I'm playing is what they want to hear. But I don't need to be fed for that to happen.

Sometimes a venue will have an arrangement where they will feed wedding suppliers in another room.

I guess the most important thing is communication, if you're unsure then speak to your DJ to find out if they are expecting to be fed or not.

#Wedding #WeddingFood #WeddingIdeas #WeddingTips #WeddingInspiration #RecentlyEngaged #JustEngaged #WeddingDJ

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