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Blog - Best time to cut the wedding cake

Posted: Wednesday 5th June 2019 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 4573

When is the best time to cut the wedding cake? Here are some tips for when to cut the wedding cake from my years of experience as a wedding DJ.

Top tip to cut the wedding cake just before the first dance

It's a tricky one to slot into the timeline as cutting the wedding cake doesn't have an obvious time during the day or evening.

Ultimately it's down to the bride and groom, but I'd like to put forward a top tip for when to cut the wedding cake that I find works well.

Imagine the scene around 8pm, when the evening guests have (hopefully) arrived and everyone has returned to the function hall. The cake has been placed in the middle of the dancefloor ready for the start of the evening celebrations. The bride and groom can then be invited up to cut their cake. Once cut, the cake can carefully be taken to one side and the stage is set for the first dance.

Cutting the cake immediately before the first dance has a number of advantages. Firstly it means that everyone will be able to watch (and take photos), whereas cutting the cake earlier in the day means the evening guests may not even get to see the cake. Secondly, it means that the happy couple are already in the middle of the dancefloor and the guests surrounding them for their first dance.

Rather than having to get everyone's attention twice, you've grabbed their attention once for a powerful moment to signal the start of the evening party.

So there you go, you can have your cake and eat it. (Assuming you allow time for it to be cut up and put out with the evening buffet).

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