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Blog - Best time of year for a wedding

Posted: Wednesday 7th February 2018 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 2 mins Views: 4530

What's the best time of year for a wedding? Traditionally summer has always been the busiest season for weddings but there's a growing shift.

Kent Wedding DJ

Pictures from the Little Silver Country Hotel

Over the last few years I'm seeing the traditional "wedding season" shifting from just being a few weeks in the summer to becoming all year round.

There are various reasons why people choose to get married at different times of years. Price can often be a deciding factor, weddings will more likely cost more in summer as that's deemed the popular time; as demand increases most likely the price will also increase.

Spring weddings can be a colourful time of year. As the days start to get longer we start to feel that summer is slowly on the way.

Summer weddings are often seen as the perfect time with the idea of a nice sunny day and plenty of time off during the school holidays. (But of course, here in Britain and who knows what the weather will actually be like!)

Autumn weddings can still be a warm time of year with some nice sunny days. The rich dark colours of autumn can look stunning in the photos.

Winter weddings appeal to those seeking the perfect "white wedding", delighted by the thought of a dusting of snow to add a certain magic to the photos. And of course celebrating your wedding on new years eve appeals to some who want to celebrate the new year with a twist.

But as much as the different weather the seasons bring they can also bring problems. Idyllic as it might seem, snow does have a habit of causing disruption which could lead to problems for you, your guests and your suppliers getting to the venue. Heat waves in the summer can make it an uncomfortable day for guests.

Those are just my personal thoughts on getting married at various times of year, what do you think?

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