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Blog - [Archived] Mirror Ball is bigger and better

Posted: Tuesday 26th December 2017 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 4519

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The mirror ball is a timeless effect that is still as popular today as it ever was. It's a simple effect and works really well on its own for a first dance.

Wedding mirrorball

I sometimes use a mirror ball for weddings as it adds a great effect for the first dance. And this year I'm also using it for the Christmas parties at the Little Silver Country Hotel.

Last year I bought a new, bigger and better mirror ball to add to my new setup. Not only is it bigger (at 50cm) but it also fits onto my stand much better thanks to the bracket made by Paladin Innovations.

This year I've enhanced my mirror ball with a new light to make sure that it dazzles the room as a mirror ball should.

For the gear junkies out there I bought the ADJ Ikon Profile and I'm thrilled with the options it now provides me - more on that in the new year.

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