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Blog - Requirements For DJs

Posted: Monday 13th December 2010 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 5829

When planning an event it's always worth checking what your chosen venue requires from a DJ so that everything can be arranged in plenty of time.

DJ tips

Some venues will not allow a DJ to work unless they've seen copies of their Public Liability Insurance or Portable Appliance Testing (electrical safety test).

With the digital age upon us venues could even request a copy of the DJs ProDub licence. Without going into all the boring details, this is required for DJs who copy music (eg making their own compilation CDs or copying CDs onto computers).

Very few venues will allow smoke to be used nowadays, so rather than causing an evacuation when the fire alarm goes off, it's best to check in advance if a smoke machine can be used if you want one.

DJs need time to setup their equipment, so make sure you check what time the venue is available from to allow the DJ to setup (I like to plan for 1 hour to allow some contingency).

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