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Blog - How long does it take a DJ to setup?

Posted: Sunday 6th August 2017 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 6001

When planning a party or wedding, it's important to factor in how much time the DJ and other suppliers will take to setup.

Kent Wedding DJ

My golden rule is that it takes me around one hour to setup and 45 minutes to dismantle. While it is often quicker, I find it best to allow some extra time in case something goes wrong or I have further to walk from my vehicle.

I've worked in venues before where everyone - including the DJ - has to be off the premises by a certain time. Therefore I have to finish around an hour before this to allow enough time.

A few months ago, I filmed a time-lapse of my setup at the Rochester Corn Exchange for a birthday party:

Sometimes the setup can be quicker; recently as I was at the Little Silver on the Friday and Saturday night so I was able to leave some cables in position to reduce the time it took me to setup on the second night.

Sometimes it can take longer if there are already people in the room or the room has already been setup and the tables are providing an additional obstacle course. In these cases, I find it better to setup earlier in the day to reduce delays later in the evening.

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