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Blog - Perils of overcharging as EE fined by Ofcom

Posted: Wednesday 18th January 2017 By: Andrew Broughton | Read Time = 1 mins Views: 4533

News that mobile phone network operator EE has been fined £2.7m by Ofcom for overcharging is a warning to all businesses to be clear and honest about pricing.

The Daily Mail has reported that around 40,000 customers have been overcharged by a combined amount of £250,000.

As a wedding DJ and mobile disco I make my prices clear to my clients. I offer guide prices on my site and confirm the exact cost to each client via my booking forms. No hidden extras and no being overcharged.

The age old advice of checking contracts before you sign certainly helps against hidden charges. I've heard a lot of DJs comment that some venues charge clients extra if they don't book the in house DJ, which most clients don't realise until it's too late, leaving them with a last minute choice of paying more for the DJ they want or simply accepting the status quo.

Overcharging can often be a simple mistake. I found some people weren't sure if the booking fee was an additional cost or not so I provide the booking fee, remaining balance and total cost to make it crystal clear.

A reported £2.7m fine is a sure wakeup call to us all to take care when charging clients and as consumers to check our bills.

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